Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The "Spell Book"

So here I am bored out of my mind chilling at the house. Austin is away training again but tis the season for the spooks! So I am channeling my inner Sharron Needles and making my own grimoire!!! I'm taking inspiration from the movie "Thirteen Ghosts."

PART 1 - The Black Zodiac Symbols


  • Inks!!! I am using Jim Holtz - Vintage Photo, a giant ink pad I got for $2.99 at Hobby Lobby in black, and Mixed Media Ink - Schoolhouse? I dunno it's just red. $15
  • Scroll stamps - I found a few at Hobby Lobby one is a Edgar Allen Poe - Nevermore!! $10.99
  • Journaling Frames - Creative Imaginations - Narratives $3.99
  • Calligraphy Pen - 2.0mm
  • Some cotton swabs for rubbing the ink on the paper. 

The Steps
    I looked up some images that they used in the film of the symbols of the Black Zodiac. There are "13" but I am only going to use the original 12... I might throw in the 13th one later. The signs are The First Born Son,  The Torso, The Bound Woman, The Withered Lover, The Torn Prince, The Angry Princess, The Pilgrimess, The Great Child, The Dire Mother, The Hammer, The Jackal (sign of hell's winter), and The Juggernaut. Now how cool does that all sound? Anyway Here are the symbols:

Now I have bad handwriting on a good day (my mother told me I should have been a doctor), but I am a perfectionist. So I just lightly drew out the symbol on one of the frames like so:

This is the Torn Prince if you couldn't tell. It's not perfect but with the distressing that I will be doing you wont be able to really tell/care. It's just a basic guideline for the pen work. So guess whats next? That's right - time to ink it out! 

Like I said perfection doesn't matter too much here, actually the more uneven or messed up lines the more authentic it looks. If you look closely at the symbols you will see that they have blobs and uneven strokes. Next we will stamp the scrolling letters across the frame. It's important to do this after you ink in the symbol or else you will just end up not being able to fill in the pencil because you wont be able to see it. Go ahead ask me how I know that!

Alright now for the distressing part. All I did was take a cotton round or ball, dobbed it on the ink pad (Vintage Photo) and rubbed it on the frame. You might want to Lay it on paper and only have half  of the inked cotton rubbing on the frame because the first few strokes are going to be dark. If you get too much on one spot just take the cotton ball and blend it towards the middle of the photo. you can add blobs of ink in certain places to give it a more worn effect if you want. 

Any ways.... there you have it. Now I only have 3 more left to do then I'll post the pictures up of all of them. Noe this is just going to be part of the spell book page it will sit in the corner (attached by some sticky dots). 

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