Monday, October 1, 2012

Weight Loss Surgery

Well I am starting my WLS journey. I talked to the doctor and got the referral. For those that don't know you have to have a BMI (body mass index) of 40 to get the surgery or have a BMI of 35 with a co-morbidity. Which is health problem related to your weight i.e. acid reflux disease, sleep apnea, diabetes, high cholesterol ect... Well I have acid reflux and was all good to go until I found out that my insurance no longer recognizes acid reflux as a co-morbidity. joy....  <-- sarcasm. But my surgeon would not be deterred! I have an appt for a sleep study to determine if I have sleep apnea and I need to get some blood drawn to see if I have some high cholesterol. *crosses fingers* I hope it all goes well. I want this so bad! I don't think of it as cheating when it comes to weight loss. Many people have asked me that. I know what my body is like. It can loose weight but a single candy bar will turn all my hard work into nothing. I consider it a helping hand. A permanent solution to a very bad problem. I will start to detail all my progress on this blog. Maybe it will serve as inspiration to other or just give others the idea that help is out there to those who want it bad enough!!!

Here is a little overview of the surgery I will be having. As you can see they will be sectioning off a small portion of my stomach then re-routing some of my small intestines so as to help less fat be absorbed into my body. Looks scary doesn't it. You should see the diet I have to go on after the surgery! I know  your thinking "Janell, if you have to diet after the surgery why don't you just diet before the surgery and not have it all together!" Well you cheeky reader aren't you... uh... cheeky. in order to get your stomach used to the new  way it will ingest nutrients and food and water it takes a lot of time. I will be on a clear liquids diet for a few weeks, then can move up to full liquids then to mushy food, then to solids. But that won't be for at least a month or two. There are always downs to an up (every magic comes with a price!). Sugars are going to be limited for the rest of my life as well as a lot of other really good foods. But it's not that I am not allowed to eat them it is that my body will physically get sick if I do. So why bother. Questions? Comments? Advice?

current weight: 231 lbs

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